The Pedigree PRO range of premium dog food containing Immunity 3 formula is specially designed as per the needs of your large dog and pup (age 3-12 weeks) to ensure they live at their happiest and healthiest best. Pedigree Pro dog food is developed with veterinarians and nutritionists at Waltham Petcare Science Institute, a world-leading authority on pet care and nutrition. Formulated with superior ingredients, high protein, and an adapted kibble size, this dry dog food provides the expert nutrition just right for the age of your dog.

Pedigree PRO Mother & Pup dog food is packed with the goodness of high-quality ingredients to take care of the special needs of large dogs. Prebiotic mos promote digestive health, colostrum helps in strengthening the natural defense, and 37 essential nutrients help support growth potential.

*33% extra protein & 80% fat as compared to Pedigree Dry food puppy

Storage Instructions: Store the pack in cool and dry place, away from sunlight and strong smelling pesticides /chemicals

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1.2kg, 3kg

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